Remember little Edna? Here she is during the live Sangha broadcast in 2018.

Not so little anymore! She’s in Grade 6 and loving school.

One of our nurses, Silvia, after listening to a mother who was not feeling well.

Another of our nurses, Mirriam, checking the vitals of team members.

Natasha, Edna’s mum, having her vitals checked.

Aunty Theresa's blood pressure being checked. So far so good--her reading was normal.

Bertha, a trained tailor and one of our micro-entrepreneurs, working on a piece of chitenge.

Bertha takes a break to smile for the camera!

Happy customers whose hair was done by Joyce and Memory.

It takes a lot of attention to detail to do it properly.

And a lot of time!

The monthly delivery of the supplemental coop mealie meal, to assist with a challenging economy, has come to be a big party.

Dancing and singing accompanies the offloading.

Here is Marian, Josephine’s eldest child, a grown woman herself now.

One of the original mud-brick structures at Living Compassion collapsed during the rainy season. Here Zilo and Florence clear the rubble.

Audria in action, singing a happy song.

Charity and Regina carrying buckets of earth from the rubble.

Eugenia has retired and her daughter, Elizabeth, has taken her place in the coop. She is the mother of six, including Jen Kabwe in the Girls' Program. We are so happy to have her!