Malila with her students in class practicing the letters C and D. This class is preparing for Grade One next year.

Ann helping out with the little ones. She is in the library most of the time, making sure that the students read their books and helping with homework. She is a beloved part of the team!

Some of our girls and little ones with Teacher Memory, in the first row at the far left.

Three of our co-op members are retiring. In each case, we are pleased to welcome one of their family members who are replacing them on the team. Here is Natasha Moyo, the granddaughter of Older Foster Bulasho. Natasha is taking care of her grandmother now and is the mother of one.

Here is Mary Liadani, Margret Chisenga’s daughter. Margret has retired because of poor eyesight, and Mary will be caring for her.

Here is Elizabeth Kasonde, Eugenia’s daughter. Elizabeth is the mum of Jennifer Kabwe in the Girl’s Program.

Cute faces of Kantolomba! Little Matthew and his brother enjoying a ride in a wheelbarrow while their parents fetch clean drinking water at Living Compassion.

Standing between two of the co-op teachers after extra lessons one afternoon is “Baby Cheri,” though now we just call her Cheri!

Our getting-ready-for-Grade-One students in class. With a smile on her face, little Mercy says she wants to become a teacher when she grows up.

When not busy with their micro-finance activities, the girls also help in the kitchen, stirring the pot of nshima. It’s good practice!

The nurses on their rounds checked up on Mirriam Sibale, one of our co-op members who is sick at home. She is being treated for malaria. We wish her a speedy recovery.

Lunch is enjoyed by all! Joyce and Bertha, two of our micro-entrepreneurs, eating together.

Co-op member Brenda enjoys her lunch.

Joanne eats in the company of one of the adorable little ones.