Aunty T with some of the Grade 10 girls. Edna, in yellow in the front, is in Grade 6 but insisted on being in the photo!

Aunty T enjoying a light moment with the little ones.

We were so glad to have Marian back, feeling better and enjoying her food.

The micro businesses are continuing! Bertha hard at work making a dress.

Older Miriam trying on her apron that Bertha made.

The bakery has just started its first test market items! Bernadette, who graduated from catering school last year and is the head of the baking department, shows off the first batch ready to go in the oven.


All done!

Veronica passes them out for the taste test.

The team enjoying the sample of buns. They were yummy!

Martha admires the three different types of treats.

Silvia takes a break from her nursing duties to have lunch and enjoy the baked goods!

Joyce with a client doing what she does best!

And, of course, as always, there are about a million thousand-watt smiles here every day!