Little Gloria, who is in Susan's class, just loves to come to Theresa and recite what she learned in class. So adorable!

Euginia getting her stipend. Veronica helps her count. She is getting old and needs a little help here and there.

Our pit latrines are almost full, and it is time to dig new ones. Our men have started digging the pit next to the old latrine.

The weather has changed, and it's chilly. Here our team members Charity, Doris, and Martha sit in the sun to warm up while lunch is being served inside.

Our ever-smiling faces of Living Compassion Kantolomba.

Winter Chisenga is in Grade One at Twatemwa Primary School here in Kantolomba. He likes coming to the library to read with Teacher Ann.

Veronica marking some books while sitting outside during break time. Next to her is eleven-year-old Bwalya, who is in her class.

A cute smile for the camera from little Ester, a student in Malila's class. Team members say she has the cutest smile, and they just love her.