October 24, 2019
Theresa holding a tiny baby boy whose mother was fetching water from the Living Compassion tap. The heat was too much for the baby, and the mother asked if someone could hold him for her as she hauled the buckets of water home. Water is becoming scarce here due to the drought that the country has been experiencing.
Jackline scraping some leftover nshima from the huge pot at the Living Compassion kitchen.
Little John enjoys his rice and egg.
Michael, Jowen's son all grown up, enjoys a cup of water at the Living Compassion tap.
Younger Foster preparing green veggies that will be served for lunch.
Our cute smile is from little Chola Bwalya, who is in baby class here. She is four years old and has two twin sisters.
Zilo and Natasha carrying a huge pot to the dining hall after being helped by Elias.