One of my favorite things about Sangha is how we bring things together for one another. There are so many inspirational quotes, so many profound teachings, so many fabulous Practice tools and no one of us could ever remember them all. No need! Invariably, someone will refer to a quote, a teaching, a tool on a radio show or Practice call that applies perfectly to what I’m seeing.
It happens with the Africa project, too. Someone recently sent us a note that they had read a 2016 blog post and found this photo:
Rachael goes into more detail about what is required to be a nurse. She wants to work at Ndola Central Hospital and realizes that she needs to study in specific subjects and make sure she gets enough points on her Grade 12 exams.
Without Sangha bringing that blog post to our attention, I would never have remembered that during a Saturday afternoon Girls Program six years ago, Rachel Kabwe, now in her second year of nursing school, wrote about her dream to become a nurse. Thank you, Life, for that goosebumps moment!
It’s inspired me to go back to old blogs and I’m finding it a great joy, an exercise not unlike listening back to old recordings. It reminds me of how far we have come, how the spirit of the work has never changed, and how it’s all unfolding perfectly. There have been challenges, there will be challenges, and with an approach of trusting Life, we can relax, give it all we’ve got and let Love lead. It brings much gratitude for being part of this community, participating in this way!
In Gasshō