We arrived safe and sound after the 17-hour journey from New York to Johannesburg to Ndola. As we rode the bus from the plane to the terminal, we could see Theresa, Veronica, Ethel, Martha, and Estella waving from behind the fence where they were waiting for us. What a warm welcome!

We had lots of assistance loading luggage in Martha’s car!

For this trip, we will have the use of Martha’s car for our daily trips out to Kantolomba and around town to run errands. Our first stop was Castle Lodge to unpack and then greet the staff of Castle Lodge: Eunice, Chiluba, Mulanzi, Faith, and Agrippa, all good friends. Next, to the bank, phone store, grocery store, water store, and gas station to obtain the kwacha, talk-time, food, water, and fuel we’d need for the trip.

Jen greets Faith at Castle Lodge.

Rebecca and Eunice – getting to be old friends!

Theresa and Jen shopping at our usual chitenge store. The owners are happy to see us arrive!

We are arriving in summertime and the beginning of the rainy season. Trees and bushes are blooming and the color green is everywhere. Yesterday, after hearing about Kantolomba and the project a fellow on the airplane asked if where we are going is pretty. We think the answer is a resounding, “Yes!”

Beautiful red blossoms pop out all over this tree.

We see even more red blooms that line the streets as we drive by.

The bougainvillea over the archway at Castle Lodge is charming.

After errands, unpacking, and a delicious dinner of rice and stir-fried vegetables, we are ready for some much-needed sleep.