Saturday and Sunday

As always on weekends there is not much exciting news to report BUT we did need to sneak in another clue…

Mostly Jen did all the typing, printing, and spreadsheet-creating work to prepare for the last day with the team. Making clear lists of next steps, designing plans for carrying out those next steps, and communicating about those steps is the big work at the end of a trip. It took most of the weekend.

Additionally, Rose, Theresa and Jen did the medical shopping on Saturday morning. We purchased all the basics that will be needed for Rose’s work in the compound.

Theresa and Rose at the pharmacy.

In the car on the way home.

Rose dropped Theresa and Jen back at the guesthouse where we had a lunch meeting with our attorney friend, Kateule, a childhood friend of Eunice. We met her a couple of trips ago and she has done some work for us looking into NGO requirements. Very helpful.

Lunch with our lawyer.